Recycled materials are what we are made of.

Thank you for coming to ISRI2023 or for simply joining the recycled materials industry’s effort to strengthen our voice by telling the world that recycled materials are everywhere!

You’ll notice signs and stories all around the Music City Center where ISRI2023 is taking place. Each of these show our theme – Recycled materials are what we are made of – accompanied by a “scroll” aimed at showing the observer that there are so many other things made with recycled materials!

We hope you like it and will join us in telling the world that Recycled materials are what we are made of!

FAQ: What's this all about?

Why do we need a common language?

If we all tell our story in a different way, we risk undermining each other. But if we all consistently tell the same story – and pull in the same direction as an industry – we amplify our message.

How did you come up with this language?

Working with Maslansky + partners, we conducted an extensive communication research effort to analyze how the recycling industry is perceived. That examined traditional and social media, focus group feedback and quantitative surveys about the language we use. The results of this research was a reference guide called: “Common Language for the Recycled Materials Industry,” sometimes referred to as “the playbook.”

What is this reference guide playbook and who is it for?

It is a benefit to ISRI members, as a resource that serves as a guide for how to have successful conversations with anyone outside of the industry – including policymakers, advocacy organizations, business partners, or the general public. This helps ensure we’re all speaking with a common language as the recycled materials industry.

Why do I need it?

In our busy world, full of information from many sources and on multiple devices, people are being barraged with messages from all sides of a story or issue. If we are going to be heard, we need to be speaking with one voice. If we want that voice to resonate, we need to be speaking the language of our audience in a way that meets them where they are, accounts for their perceptions of the recycled materials industry, and helps them better understand it.

How do I use it?

The playbook is a guide, not a script. The example phrases and content throughout are tested best practices that are starting points for you to use and build on in ways that are natural to you. The more you can follow the guidelines, the more you’ll help people see our industry more positively!

What if I have more questions?

Reach out to Holly Arthur

Our ISRI2023 Convention Stories