Sponsored By: Shearcore/OilQuick & 74 Alloys
TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2023 I The SkyDeck I 9:00PM - 11 :30PM
All-Access Pass (member or non-member)
Exhibitor All-Access (member or non-member)
Tuesday-Wednesday Exhibits Only Registrations NOT INCLUDED
Exhibitor Only Registration NOT INCLUDED
Join us at The SkyDeck at Assembly Food Hall, the largest deck in Nashville overlooking Broadway. This year’s after hours will feature premium food, top shelf drinks and the best live entertainment Nashville has to offer. Come enjoy the show and also take part in some Live Band Karaoke. This is THE place to start your evening as you meet friends make new connections and continue your night in Nashville.
Don’t have an All-Access Pass yet? No problem. Register using the link at the top of the page OR Upgrade your
registration using the button below.