Lauren Schefsky
International Trade Specialist, U.S. Department of Commerce
Lauren Schefsky is an international trade specialist at the U.S. Department of Commerce covering nonferrous metals and critical minerals in the International Trade Administration’s Office of Critical Minerals and Metals. She is the Secondary Designated Federal Officer for the Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Critical Minerals and Nonferrous Metals and is the head of the U.S. delegation to the International Copper, Lead, and Zinc Study Groups. Prior to joining Commerce, she at the Ohio House of Representatives, the U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt, Germany, and the U.S. Embassy in Tanzania.
All Sessions by Lauren Schefsky
Day 4 – April 18
April 18, 2023
2:15 pm
3:30 pm
Spotlight on Nickel/Stainless: In Search of Market Balance
Meeting Room 205 A-C: Level 2
Markets and Global Trade 🛈Topics specific to products that come out of a recycling facility that can be sold as products or feedstock; ferrous metals; nonferrous metals (aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, tin, and precious metals); stainless steel and high-temperature alloys; plastics; recovered fiber (paper, corrugated, cartons); tires/rubber; electronics; glass; textiles; residential recyclers and materials recovery facilities; Basel Convention; OECD; import/export; and tariffs.
Nickel prices outperformed all the other major base metals in 2022, but the meltdown in nickel trading at the London Metal Exchange wreaked havoc for both processors and consumers of recycled nickel and stainless steel. Our panel of recycled materials industry veterans and stainless producers will share their insights on the potential re-balancing of nickel and stainless steel markets going forward.