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David Wagger

David Wagger

Chief Scientist/Director of Environmental Management, ISRI

David Wagger joined ISRI in 2005 and currently serves as Chief Scientist and Director of Environmental Management. He has more than 25 years of experience in environmental consulting, engineering, science, and regulation, including his tenure at ISRI. His activities include assisting members with environmental compliance and management, representing ISRI and the recycling industry on environmental regulatory matters at the federal and state levels, and serving on external science and technology advisory committees on behalf of ISRI and the industry. Wagger holds B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and MIT respectively. He was Phi Beta Kappa at UC Berkeley and a Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellow at MIT, with minors in political science and mechanical engineering.

All Sessions by David Wagger

Day 5 – April 19 April 19, 2023
8:45 am - 9:45 am

Advancing R&D for a Sustainable Future

Meeting Room 209 A-C: Level 2

Track: Technology and Innovation 🛈Topics may include equipment and services used in recycled materials processing; robotics; and reuse.
The REMADE Institute is a public-private partnership established by the U.S. Department of Energy to drive early-stage applied research and development in circular economy technologies. With support from 165 members, the Institute has convened more than 80 collaborative R&D projects representing $80M of investment with additional projects planned for 2023. A major focus for REMADE includes developing new recycling and recovery technologies in rapid gathering, identification, sorting separation, contaminant removal, and reprocessing. In this presentation, representatives from REMADE will provide an overview of Institute objectives, updates on ongoing research in recycling and recovery, and how ISRI members can participate in future initiatives. In addition, REMADE representatives will share information on the Institute’s expanding Education and Workforce Development program highlighting recently developed plastics and fibers recycling training for the incumbent workforce.

Day 4 – April 18 April 18, 2023
10:45 am - 11:45 am

Compliance Overview of Federal 2021 Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Stormwater Discharges

Meeting Room 201 AB: Level 2

Track: Environmental Compliance and Sustainability 🛈Topics under environmental compliance may include CERCLA (Superfund) and SREA (Superfund Recycling Equity Act); RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act); solid and hazardous wastes; chemical reporting; emissions; stormwater; spills; and existing and emerging substances of concerns such as PCBs, PFAs, energy efficiencies; refrigerants; and vehicle airbags batteries. Topics under sustainability can include environmental justice; philanthropic endeavors; ESG, and environmental stewardship.
As state and federal stormwater permitting programs become more robust, it is critical for the recycled materials industry to understand its obligations and prepare strategies to maintain ongoing compliance. This session will provide an overview of EPA’s 2021 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for industrial stormwater discharges and its applicability to the recycled materials industry. Attendees will gain strategies to maintain compliance through the implementation of stormwater control measures and best management practices (BMPs). Topics will include effluent limitations, impaired waters, inspections and assessments, sampling and monitoring, and corrective actions.
