ISRI's 2023 Spring/Convention President's Report
Smart Brevity® count: 23 mins...6101 words
Welcome to the new format for ISRI’s Quarterly President’s Report! Our hope is that this format makes it easier for you to more quickly access the information that is most important to you. Let me know what you think at rwiener@isri.org.
The big picture: ISRI’s advocacy team continued during the 1st quarter of 2023 to increase the industry’s visibility and influence on behalf of our members.
Chief Lobbyist, Billy Johnson:
Catalytic Converter Theft legislation (the PARTS Act) was introduced in both Chambers of Congress with ISRI supporting provisions that would help effectively curb the theft of converters while ensuring that the legitimate purchases of more than 30 million converters annually for recycling are preserved. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) are supporting ISRI’s efforts and partnering with us on this effort. We are also working with the International Precious Metals Institute (IPMI) and others on solutions,
ISRI met with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to help them better understand how products move through the recycling system as they work to update their Green Guides that will affect how recyclability is defined across the country.
ISRI - along with SWANA - hosted a briefing for the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee focused on the safe handling, transportation and recycling of lithium-ion batteries. Senators Tom Carper (D-Del.) and John Boozman (R-AR), co-chairs of the Senate Recycling Caucus, highlighted and expressed appreciation for the recycled materials industry, and discussed funding to the U.S. EPA and the Department of Energy for battery labeling and public education. ISRI is working with the Senators and other policy makers to accelerate the deployment of these programs and explore additional funding for firefighting.
International & Strategic Partners
The Big Picture: Raising the visibility of the recycled materials industry -and the importance of unencumbered market access for recycled materials as part of the global manufacturing supply chain - helps ensure a healthy business environment for ISRI members and improves opportunities globally.
Chief Economist, Joe Pickard
Adam Shaffer joins ISRI this month as our new AVP for International Trade/Global Affairs, coming with over 10 years of experience in international trade policy and economics, most recently with the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). We look forward to introducing him to everyone in Nashville at ISRI2023!
On December 16, the Office of the United States Trade Representative announced a nine-month extension for certain product exclusions in the China Section 301 Investigation, including the tariff exclusion on shredder wear parts. ISRI has advocated on this issue since the Trump administration imposed the tariff in July 2018.
ISRI is working with our counterparts in Europe to promote the free and fair trade of responsibly recycled materials, especially as it relates to proposed EU Waste Shipment Regulations.
Why it matters: The proposal would prohibit EU plastic exports to non-OECD countries and phase out plastic exports to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries over four years. EU exports of all “non-hazardous waste” for recovery would be allowed only to those non-OECD countries that give their consent and demonstrate their ability to treat this waste sustainably. Increased trade restrictions on responsibly recycled materials pose significant risks to already strained supply chains and the achievement of sustainability goals. For the recycled materials industry, this will disrupt the flow of materials to customers and generate economic costs.
What’s next: The European Parliament will begin negotiations with EU member states and negotiations are expected to proceed quickly. ISRI will continue to work with our partners in the EU and the US Government on behalf of solutions for our members.
Working with our Strategic Partners
In December, BIR leadership met with ISRI national leadership and several ISRI staff in Washington, D.C. The group discussed 2023 priorities including the ISRI Recycling Lexicon, ISRI2023, ESG reporting, as well as electric vehicles and electric vehicles batteries. Representatives from the Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC) discussed the GSCC’s development of a global standard for measuring and reducing steel industry greenhouse gas emissions (see also GSCC under Sustainability.). BIR leadership plans to attend ISRI2023.
In December, CARI leadership met with ISRI national leadership and several ISRI staff in Washington, D.C. CARI shared information on the Environment Canada Development of Labelling Rules and implications for recyclers. Discussions included JASON Learning, ESG reporting, GSCC’s global standard, and the ISRI Recycling Lexicon. A representative from the ISRI Safety team discussed safety issues regarding batteries.
In February, ISRI Chair Brian Henesey, ISRI Chair Elect Colin Kelly ISRI President Robin Wiener and ISRI's Chief Economist Joseph Pickard attended the annual Convention of the Material Recycling Association of India, but first stopped in Delhi for meetings with the Ministry of Steel - India, and the Bureau of Indian Standards, as well as the US Commercial Service. The Government of India, along with MRAI, has made the establishment of an environmentally sound infrastructure and system for #recycling throughout India a priority and ISRI has been proud to support these efforts through the sharing of best practices and the use of #ISRISpecs to provide consistency and clarity in the identification of the #recycledmaterials essential for #manufacturing in India and around the world.
International Meetings on Plastics. From November 23-26, in Punta del Este, Uruguay, ISRI participated in two international meetings related to plastics recycling. ISRI participated in the third meeting of the Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Working Group. The meeting covered activities of the PWP’s four project groups on plastic “waste”. ISRI’s Chief Scientist David Wagger serves as Co-Chair of Project Group 1. The next day, ISRI participated in the one-day Multi-Stakeholder Forum in conjunction with the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution.
INESFA Meeting in Brazil. ISRI participated in the INESFA (Instituto Nacional da Reciclagem) Conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil in November. ISRI Chief Economist/Director of Commodities Joe Pickard delivered a presentation entitled “Introduction to ISRI and the Opportunities for Recycled Material Industry Collaboration,” including an update on the ISRI language project. INESFA translated the Language Playbook into Portuguese and Spanish and is organizing a large Brazilian delegation to attendee ISRI2023.
State Advocacy - Chief Policy Officer, Danielle Waterfield
The big picture: Most state legislatures are nearing their home stretch, with 18 states adjourning by the end of April and 14 more in March. As legislation impacting recyclers is amended and passed, ISRI’s State Resources and Tracking webpages let you check new legislation impacting the industry by state or issue.
19 states introduced 27 Environmental Justice bills with direct permitting impacts. Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island directly name recycling as a targeted industry. Of those, the RI and CT bills are most likely to have some type of legislative action this session.
New Jersey: NJDEP will publish its final environmental justice regulations in the NJ Register on April 17. Few changes are expected based on statements this past December by the NJDEP Commissioner. ISRI is working with the NJ Chapter on possible legal options and an advocacy campaign to remove recycling as a named “environmental stressor” from the state environmental justice law.
Rhode Island: Danielle Waterfield testified in opposition to RI H6196 / S770 in March. The bills target new or renewing permits for recycling centers, scrap metal facilities, auto salvage operations, and C&D debris processors within 1/2 mile of an EJ focus area and required environmental impact reports, public outreach and hearings.
Connecticut: ISRI's New England Chapter is engaged on CT SB 1147, that adds language similar to New Jersey including existing "affecting facilities" requirements, naming recycling facilities and scrap yards as environmental stressors, and giving CT DEEP wide authority to regulate renewals.
In late 2022, the first two states to pass packaging EPR bills—Maine and Oregon—began stakeholder outreach and rulemaking. ISRI's Board of Directors approved the Guidance on Packaging EPR Elements to help direct ISRI staff and member advocates in policy negotiations. 023. Proposals in CT, HI, IL, MA,MD, NH, NJ, NY, RI, and VT could still pass this year. California expanded its electronics recycling program in late 2022. cts. WA SB 5144 is the only bill to gain traction so far. CA, CT, IL, IN, ME, MN, NY, OR, VT, and WA introduced legislation. r.
Lithium-Ion Vehicle Batteries . ISRI’s Auto Recycling Committee and Electronics Division reviewed legislation in New Jersey and New York proposing licensing requirements for battery recyc
ISRI’s State Metals Theft Law Database and state law summaries on the State Resources and Tracking pages were updated to reflect amended laws in 2022 for 28 states. Most of the amendments focused on catalytic converters. In addition, more than 120 materials theft bills have been introduced for 2023, with over 100 of those focused on converters.
Massachusetts became the first state in 2023 as legislators sent a last-minute amendment to MA H.5356 to the governor on January 3 as the 2022 session closed. AR, MN, and VA also signed amendments to their catalytic converter requirements, while UT increased penalties for theft of aluminum or copper items.
As of March 31, bills in 12 states passed their first chamber or the legislature and are likely to become law this year, most of which are either member-supported or have had industry-supported amendments adopted.
They are requiring purchasers be registered as metal recyclers.
Chemical Recycling. ISRI staff have been active in several state legislature hearings related to chemical recycling. ISRI remains opposed to defining chemical recycling as advanced recycling;" Recognizes chemical processes that are material to material as recycling and supports legislation that maintains a level competitive playing field.
While "advanced" recycling language was signed in Utah and passed the legislatures in Kansas and Indiana, bills in Alabama and Nebraska have been held due to ISRI opposition and legislator concerns, and an Illinois bill to extend the statutory deadline to build a chemical recycling pilot project was re-referred to committee.
Proposals in CA, CT, MA, NH, RI, and OR would ban or restrict chemical recycling facilities, and most packaging EPR proposals introduced in 2023 either exclude chemical recycling or require the state to study environmental impacts before approval.
Outreach with Lieutenant Governors
ISRI met with Kansas Lt. Governor-Elect David Toland during the National Lt. Governors Association Winter meeting in New Orleans, November 29–December 1. After the meeting ISRI staff met with members to draft a letter requesting he advise the governor to veto the bill. However, the bill was signed on April 7th.
In 2023, NLGA will add ISRI specific information including priority state policy information, model language and contacts for policy assistance. The NLGA partners’ policy guidebook is distributed to every state’s executive second-in-command office and Lt. Governor’s office.
The NLGA Recycling Impact Award is presented annually to NLGA members that have gone above and beyond to demonstrate an active concern and interest in recycling. Nominations will be accepted through May 15, with the award presented at the NLGA Annual in Des Moines, IA, August 16-18, 2023.
Outreach with State Legislators
In December, ISRI met state legislative leaders at the NCSL Legislative Leaders Symposium in New York City. This event included sessions on how to make critical decisions related to in-state and regional priorities.
What's next: In late December, ISRI members in ND and the Upper NW Chapter provided draft catalytic converter legislation for Rep. Ruby and Senator Vedaa. The resulting ND SB 2299 bill received a unanimous vote in the Senate and is on track to pass the House.
Recycling Public-Private (P2) Taskforce
The P2 taskforce is the first-ever public-private [HZ1] partnership with NCSL dedicated to recycling policy issues. ISRI and its members led recycling policy discussions and facility tours at the NCSL Recycling P2 taskforce meeting December 4-5 in San Diego, CA.
Thank you to Allan Company and SA Recycling for hosting facility tours.
The Recycling P2 Taskforce met virtually in October and anticipates a virtual meeting and one more in-person meeting in 2023 to finalize the work product due at the completion of the Taskforce’s charter in August 2023.
Law Enforcement Outreach - Director of Law Enforcement Outreach, Todd Foreman
Over the last several months, ISRI engaged with police departments, law enforcement associations, and members on material theft, best practices to address stolen materials, Scraptherftalert.com, and resources to deter continued illegal activities. This included outreach and training provided to —
South Hampton Sheriff's Office on Metals Theft
Piedmont Regional Criminal Justice Academy on Metals Theft
New England State Police Information Network on Catalytic Converter thefts
North Carolina Insurance Crime Information Exchange conference
Western Pennsylvania Police Chiefs Association
Pennsylvania State police and local agencies on Catalytic Converter theft and metal theft 6 hour session,
Virginia Risk Sharing Association (VRSA) on Catalytic converter theft prevention
National Sheriff’s Association,
FBINA new members meeting
For the first quarter of 2023, ScrapTheftAlert.com added 380 new users, of which 293 are law enforcement. This brings the total number of users to 32,533, of which 15,457 are law enforcement. Also, 102 alerts were broadcast with a value of approximately 12.5 million dollars.
Director of Chapter Relations, Lacey Capps
The big picture: ISRI’s Chapters are an important part of the success of ISRI and its members!!
What's next: Chapters/Regions are encouraged to submit event & meeting information for ISRI’s chapter and regional web pages and isri.org/events. Check the events calendar often for up-to-date information. A myriad of annual activities are planned for 2023 – the goal is to diversify the events that are offered to respective members with new ways to engage and network!
Do you have an idea for a member event you’d like to see in your chapter/region? ISRI’s Director of Chapter Relations would love to hear from you.
ISRI’s Legal Department can provide first-hand assistance in several ways including, but not limited to, contract review, assistance with negotiating, and navigating contractual changes. ISRI Policy requires the legal review of all chapter/regional contracts before execution to ensure the best interest of all parties. ISRI staff are always available to answer questions or provide additional assistance where needed.
A hearty thank you to our officers for their commitment, leadership, and service to ISRI and its chapters/regions. The presidents noted below will be concluding a two-yr term following the ISRI2023 Convention: Barry Wolff, Southeast Region | Anthony Bonilla, West Coast Chapter | Jeff Miller, Ohio Valley Chapter | Todd Jousma, Michigan Chapter | Michael Miller, New Jersey Chapter | Renee Toy, Upper Midwest Chapter.
Communications - Chief Operating Officer, Holly Arthur
The big picture: ISRI’s Communications team continue to carry out ISRI’s new Language Lexicon through written material, social media, and messaging efforts. During the 1st quarter, we converted Scrap News to ISRI News and renamed the website and related products. Major sections of the website were rewritten, and the team continues to work with maslansky+partners to update content.
Jobs of Tomorrow - 6-episode Docuseries, featuring ISRI and its members, launched on ISRI Studios website platform and on the streaming service Tubi. The docuseries explores careers in industries that are #innovating and are shaping our future. There are 24 episodes in Season 1, of which 6 are focused on the wide range of job opportunities in #sustainability and the #recycledmaterials industry. Definitely worth watching and pushing out to anyone who is interested in the future of our workforce, including in our industry!
2022 concluded as one of ISRI’s most successful years to date based on overall social media growth, impressions, and engagements.
ISRI’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn accounts have a total following of nearly 40,000.
Engagements with ISRI’s posts totaled 56,000 (up 81% from 2021), and overall impressions of posts totaled more than 1 million (up 49% from 2021).
LinkedIn continues to see the most engagement, specifically with recyclers and ISRI members.
Twitter sees the most connection with the public, media, and elected officials.
ISRI’s 2022 social media campaign titled “Recycling is Everywhere” earned honorable mention recognition by the 2022 MarComm Awards.
What's next: ISRI ended the year with an increased focus on implementing the ISRI Language Playbook and highlighting the ways that the industry touches daily life, which was also the theme for the 2022 holiday card. In 2023, we plan to use increased video and multimedia content to tell the story of the recycled materials industry, and to develop additional resources for ISRI members.
By the numbers: ISRI ended 2022 with an increase of 74% of earned media coverage over the prior year. In the final quarter, ISRI earned media attention through national mainstream media and trade publication coverage.
President Robin Wiener was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal and USA Today on catalytic converter theft laws. She was also interviewed by CNN for a potential story on a possible railroad strike’s impact on the recycled materials industry. Todd Foreman - ISRI’s Law Enforcement Outreach Director - spoke about catalytic converter theft prevention.
Press Coverage Topics for the quarter included:
ISRI News continues to build on its reputation as a go-to source for those in and outside of the recycled materials industry. From October 14 to December 31, a total of 41 articles were published on ISRI News.
Highlights included:
Showcasing through articles how the industry provides a renewable source of materials for the everyday items and essential infrastructure people depend on; and
Demonstrating the impact of ISRI’s legislative activities through coverage of the U.S. midterm elections, information on the shredder wear parts tariff, news on the STB and the U.S. railroads, and state EPR updates in 2022.
Market Data and Economics
ISRI’s economics team continues to provide expert research, analysis, and insights to a broad range of audiences.
ISRI staff met with Orpheus, Inc. in December to coordinate the first quarter 2023 roll out of the new online specifications resource. This project converts the ISRI Specifications Scrap Circular into an interactive online resource as part of the SPECS22 project funded by a grant from the Commerce Department’s Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP).
Assisted the Plastics Division in forming new working groups to review the remaining portions of the plastic specifications that were not part of the July 2022 Board approved revisions.
Assisted the MRF Committee in forming a new working group to revise the single and dual stream section of the ISRI Scrap Specifications Circular.
Participated on the Vinyl Recycled Content Working Group - ASTM D20.95 standards.
Presentations, Publications, and Programming
In December, ISRI co-hosted, with SWANA, the 2022 MRF Summit in San Diego, CA. Moderated the safety session on “Ask the Experts” and acted as the MC for the event.
“Introduction to ISRI and the Opportunities for Recycled Material Industry Collaboration” presentation at Waste Expo Brazil, Sao Paulo, November 9, 2022.
“Recycled Commodities Update, ‘What Goes Up, Comes Down’ Insights” presentation at the 2022 SERDC Annual Membership Meeting and Get-Together, November 2022, hosted by Pratt Industries, Atlanta, GA.
“Recycling in the United States, An Interactive Discussion” virtual presentation with the Hartsbrook School Forum: Recycling, November 2022.
“Nickel and Stainless Markets Riddled with Uncertainty.” Recycling International, Nov/Dec 2022.
2023 Convention Spotlight programming.
Produced weekly ISRI Market Reports.
Outreach and Advocacy
Created a draft survey of the ISRI Recycled Materials Industry Market Conditions Survey. This survey will provide indicators on the state of the recycled materials industry. Questions on employment, expansions, equipment purchases, and other questions including special questions will be included. The aim is to conduct the survey beginning with the collection of Q1 2023 data.
Worked with ITAC 5 partners to develop trade priorities letter to be presented to the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative.
Worked with Scrap Tire Value Chain members on ways to promote use of rubber modified asphalt and tire derived aggregates in U.S. infrastructure projects.
Voted on several ballots for the Plastics Committee (D20) and for Playground Surfaces (F-08) in support of ISRI’s Plastics and Tire and Rubber Divisions.
Participated in the Vinyl Institute’s Vinyl Sustainability Council (VSC) V-Cycle Task Force meetings and webinars;
Coordinated with Dunham & Associates, ISRI members, and staff to generate economic impact reports by state, commodity, and company as part of ISRI’s advocacy efforts.
Responded to ISRI member data requests and was interviewed by news outlets including Waste Dive, ISRI News, Recycling Today, Global Petrochemicals, Metal Recycling Magazine, Waste and Recycling Magazine, Media Fusion ME, and others.
Continued participation in the Trade Association Economists Group.
ISRI VP of Education & Events, Rebecca Turner; Director of Education, Paula Pagano
ISRI2023 Annual Convention & Exposition is April 17-20 in Nashville, TN at the Music City Center.
By the numbers: ISRI2023 is predicted to be a record year. More than 5,600 registrants are anticipated. The convention attendees will have the opportunity to visit 340 exhibitors spanning 57,000 square feet of space, and learn from experts during 35 educational sessions plus visit two member facilities for exclusive behind the scene tours.
The opening general session features Vicente Fox, President of Mexico (2000-2006). The closing general session features Rana Foroohar, CNN Global Analyst and Associate Editor at the Financial Times
Future convention dates (governance dates in parentheses):
ISRI2024 – Mandalay Bay Las Vegas – April (13-14) 15-18
ISRI2025 – San Diego Convention Center – May 12-15 (governance not adjacent)
ISRI2026 – Mandalay Bay Las Vegas – April (11-12) 13-16
ISRI2027 – Music City Convention Center, Nashville, Tenn. – April (10-11) 12-15
ISRI2028 – Mandalay Bay Las Vegas – April (22-23) 24-27
In Q1 of 2023, ISRI offered the following web-based educational opportunities.
ISRI Virtual Courses
ISRI offers four online courses in two different formats: live instructor-led courses scheduled on a specific day/time and “on-demand” courses, which may be taken at any time on any day at the learner’s convenience.
In Q2 of 2023, ISRI is offering the following upcoming in-person educational event. Please note numbers may include individuals given complimentary attendance.
Environmental Compliance - Chief Scientist, David Wagger
Using known data from the industry related to VOC emissions from shredders, ISRI’s consultant has preliminarily identified the most important variables affecting emissions and compiled a draft document containing proposed emissions factors that is currently under review. When finished, in the coming weeks there will also be a companion guidance document for members to include basic compliance information for VOC emissions under NSR\Title V of the Clean Air Act, summary of most important sources of and contributors to VOC emissions from metal shredders, guidance\Information on measuring, capture, and controlling VOC emissions; and information on steps that can be taken by shredders to reduce VOC emissions. Conversations with EPA related to this effort are also continuing.
In mid-September, ISRI was selected as a Small Entity Representative (SER) to the Small Business Advocacy Review Panel (SBAR Panel) for EPA’s regulatory action, “Tiered Data Reporting (TDR) to Inform Prioritization, Risk Evaluation, and Risk Management under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).” EPA is developing TDR regulations to set requirements for reporting of chemical substances, some of which may be received by recyclers incidentally in association with certain recyclable and recycled materials. The regulations may require ISRI members to report information about such chemical substances. ISRI participated in a SBAR Panel Outreach meeting in late September and submitted responses to questions posed by the SBAR Panel in mid-October.
What's next: Designation of PFOA and PFOS as CERCLA Hazardous Substances
In early November, ISRI submitted comments on EPA’s proposed rule, “Designation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) as CERCLA Hazardous Substances.” Such designation of PFOA and PFOS could have far-reaching liability consequences for anyone who has handled or will handle PFOA and PFOS. Under the proposed rule, persons having nothing to do with producing or intentionally using PFOA or PFOS can be held liable for the cleanup of PFOA and PFOS contamination. Due to foreseeable substantial litigation, EPA must account for, when considering a final rule, the likely economic harm to ISRI members and other persons not involved in the production or intentional use of PFOA or PFOS.
TSCA Section 8(a)(7) Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for PFAS. ISRI submitted comments on EPA’s notice of data availability (NODA) for its 2021 proposed rule, “TSCA Section 8(a)(7) Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances”. This NODA consisted of EPA’s Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis and Updated Economic Analysis of the proposed rule. In comments, ISRI stated that the Final Rule should require reporting by only domestic entities that chemically manufactured or imported bulk PFAS; otherwise, it must require reporting first by such entities in a phased or tiered approach to reporting.
SREA Metrics 2023
SREA - Assistant General Counsel & Director of Contracts and Trademarks, Rebecca Andrechak
The SREA program is in its “open season,” which will continue through April 30th.
During this period, ISRI members can buy any SREA report (unique or non-unique) for the subsidized member price of $75 per report.
Outside of the open season, members pay $250 for unique reports and $75 for non-unique reports.
*A report is unique if it is the first report in the then current calendar year covering a specific consuming facility.
Any reports ordered thereafter on the same site are no longer considered unique and cost ISRI members $75 regardless of when they are purchased.
As part of its succession planning efforts, SREA Committee leadership held an introductory webinar on January 25th in partnership with the Women in Recycling (WIR) and Young Executives (YE) Councils. Members can access a recording of the webinar on the ISRI website. Anyone who is interested in SREA leadership opportunities should contact staff liaison, Rebecca Andrechak.
What’s next: The SREA Subcommittee will be meeting in person at ISRI2023 on April 15th at 3 pm central time.
A Great Start
Finance - Chief Financial Officer, Margie Erinle
Why it matters: It has been extraordinary going into the third year since the pandemic and global shutdown. The Finance team continues to build on major learnings during this period and is using them to leverage ISRI’s process and execute strategies in the months ahead by driving financial efficiency and reporting critical metrics for ISRI.
The Finance team remain optimistic about attaining the 2023 budgetary guidance even as indicators of a potential recession continue to loom.
We continue to prioritize cost optimization to ensure that all departments stay within their budgets.
The team consistently evaluates various accounts to identify areas where costs can be minimized.
Our aim is not only to report the numbers but also to promote digital competencies by connecting data and analytics to ISRI's key performance indicators (KPIs), which will help ISRI remain strong in the fluctuating economy.
During the first quarter of 2023, ISRI's operations surpassed the budgetary targets due to the strong performance of membership dues.
The financial report for the upcoming ISRI 2023 Convention will be available in April.
The registration, exhibits, and sponsorship for the Convention have exceeded the year's budgetary guidance.
ISRI’s Q1 financials reflect a change in net assets of $6,127,869 for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, with net operating revenue of $4,806,326; a positive variance of $739K from budget.
Funds for $90,561 were released from the Reserve to cover the cost of projects approved by the Board.
By the numbers: After a stormy 2022 and despite a banking crisis, cryptocurrency meltdowns and uncertainty about the future of the economy, the stock market gained during the first quarter of 2023 in a surprising show of resilience. The ISRI reserve had an investment gain of $1,412,104 and closed at $26,083,499.
What's next: Looking ahead, management continues to update our economic model in improving non-dues revenue, focusing on enhancing non-dues revenue while ensuring profitability through rigorous expense management. The outlook for 2023 is in line with the budgetary guidance for the year, and this has bolstered the management's confidence in the projected revenue.
The Finance team, working with Chapter officers, has transitioned all chapters into full bookkeeping process under ISRI National.
However, some Chapters have to carry out all tools in the program The teamwork is progressing well between officers responsible for turning in the chapters’ financials.
We are confident and working with Chapter Treasurers to ensure smooth transition and reporting.
It is also our goal that this process will enable auditors to start the 2022 preliminary field work.
With our continuous support and training, ISRI is better positioned than ever to meet chapters’ needs and add value for our members.
Marketing & Business Development (Jason Glei: JGlei@isri.org)
During Q4 2022 marketing and business development focused on executing the Shredders Operations Forum and Q4 advertising opportunities in tandem with launching registration for ISRI2023 and outreach for exhibits and sponsorship sales.
By the numbers: Total marketing and business development revenue stands at 105% to budget based off signed contracts for 2022.
Sales and marketing across ISRI for the remainder of 2022 moved forward as planned with the following highlights:
The Shredder Operations Forum SOLD OUT on all fronts. Sponsorship and exhibit revenue exceeded the budget by 169% securing a total of $89k in contracted revenue.
Contracted advertising revenue for the ScrapWire E-Newsletter is up 22% over last year as the communication product is quickly becoming a go-to resource for industry news and information.
Sponsorship opportunities for ISRI2023 and the full ISRI2023 Media Kit are now available and coordinated sales efforts are moving forward to engage our partners for all of 2023. All opportunities can be found HERE. Sponsorship for ISRI2023 currently sits at 66% to budget, well above the pace of 2022. ISRI2023 advertising contract sales have already surpassed all of 2022 in total revenue.
Membership (Brianna Gianti: BGianti@isri.org)
While membership is still receiving end of the year renewals and the 2022 books are not officially closed, membership experienced a record-breaking historic year in 2022!
As of January 9, 2023, membership was around a 89.6% renewal rate, which breaks most fiscal years dating back to 2012 (and an anomaly year in 2018) and a total of 1,425 members, which is the highest number of total members ISRI has had since 2014. Most notably, ISRI experienced the highest ever historical new member growth since its inception—with a total of 303 new members becoming official new members in this past fiscal year.
Women in Recycling (WIR) Council (Rachel Bookman at rbookman@isri.org)
WIR co-hosted an exhibitor space with YEC at the November Southeast Region Fall Convention in Mobile, AL. Additionally, WIR launched the second year of its successful mentor program, featuring a total of 17 pairs of mentors and mentees. We look forward to sharing their stories with you all.
Safety - VP of Safety, Tony Smith
Circle of Safety Excellence Program (COSE)
After compiling the data that circle of safety excellence members have shared with ISRI, we are seeing a downward trend in illness & injury rates amongst the members of this group. The members of this group were invited to a webinar that took place on April 4, 2023. The purpose of this webinar was to share the member data with the group and to have group members share recent safety incidents that took place at their facilities.
EV Battery Working Group
Key members and experts from this working group met in early March to film the awareness portion of the curriculum for EV safety education & training.
The video is in the editing stages.
It will be put together with measuring tools such as quizzes and check-ins.
This material will be placed onto a learning management platform system that will allow for easy use.
This material is scheduled to be ready for use in the summer of 2023.
Fire Safety & Prevention Programming
The safety team has continued offering the fire safety & prevention hazard recognition class throughout the United States.
As of this writing, there have been 8 such classes across the country with 8 more scheduled through July 2023.
The class continues to receive positive reviews from the attendees (ISRI members & non-members).
Portions of the grant money for this project will go towards filming safety content to match the curriculum.
These videos will be available in the Fall of 2023.
ISRI’s Safety & Environmental Conference (ISEC)
The Spring Safety & Environmental conference is scheduled to take place May 16-18, 2023 in St. Louis, MO. This conference will see approximately 125-150 environmental, health & safety professionals come together for 3 days of networking and educational sessions. The discussion topics include business and safety culture, EV battery safety, combustible and respirable dust, radiation myths and facts, environmental, and transportation safety industry updates.
OSHA Proposed Rulemaking
What's next: The Safety team continues to monitor the Federal Register for any notices of proposed rulemaking or rule changes within the OSHA code of federal regulations. There is movement toward new rulemaking with a Heat Illness standard. The Safety team is also tracking the LEAD standard as it goes through the process of potential revisions.
Other Health & Safety Resources
ISRI continues to provide practical health & safety information through its EHS Update newsletter.
This publication gives relevant information for EHS/DOT managers regarding issues in the industry.
There is a link in the newsletter to ISRI’s monthly safety calendar, which provides practical OSHA, EPA, and DOT links.
There are useful safety videos added to many of the newsletters, along with current OSHA outreach initiatives.
Sustainability - Senior Vice President of Sustainability and Advocacy, Cheryl Coleman
Advance Sustainability of the Recycled Materials Industry
The Sustainability Department continues to promote and protect members’ interests by participating in conferences and meetings to strengthen the industry’s voice, raise awareness, and drive engagement that will benefit all members.
Workforce Development
The Workforce Development Subcommittee (Subcommittee) works to leverage existing resources to recruit, retain, and strengthen the recycled materials industry talent pipeline. The ISRI Sustainability Pathways Program supports this effort by making students, formally incarcerated individuals, neural diverse individuals, and most recently refugees aware of career opportunities in the industry through apprenticeships, internships, and fellowships. The group is working with the Workforce Development Committee to review, update and enhance the resources on the ISRI website and develop a member only web portal with resources to support recruitment and retention at their companies.
Member resources under development include a reentry toolkit for members hiring employees reentering the workforce; information on how to support recruitment and retention efforts by providing positive work experiences for neural diverse employees; finalization of the Jobs of Tomorrow docuseries focused on careers in recycling; partnering with the and expansion of JASON Learning partnership. In April 2023, ISRI initiated discussions with several non-profit organizations to connect qualified Ukranian refugees with employment opportunities at ISRI member companies.
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine displaced 6 million Ukranian refugees, 220,000 of which have been admitted into the U.S. through the Uniting for Ukraine Program, a special policy that allows displaced Ukrainians to be sponsored to live and work in the U.S. The partnership aims to allow ISRI member companies to hire Ukrainian refugees with minimal administrative effort by using the services of nonprofit partners.
The nonprofit partners assist with housing, transportation and education with a goal of self-sufficiency in eight months to a year.
ISRI is looking to connect member companies to with these eager workers.
ISRI Recyclability Protocol for Fiber-based Packaging
The comment period for the Protocol ended November 15.
Follow-up conversations were held with some responders.
The Protocol workgroup reviewed the comments and made appropriate changes and edits.
Next steps are to test some innovative packing to affirm the protocol steps and development of the online tool.
Sustainability Network
What's next: The Sustainability Network is working with a contractor to develop an online ESG tool to support members who want to document ESG efforts. The Network will provide an overview of the tool at the upcoming convention and enlist feedback.
Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC)
ISRI is a founding member of the Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC). The purpose of the GSCC is to focus on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the global steel industry by supporting methods to reduce GHG emissions that are technology agnostic, account for both direct and indirect GHG emissions, and support preventing a global-temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050. As a founding GSCC member, ISRI has participated in the development of the GSCC standard for steel products and for company-wide operations against the GHG-intensity targets needed between now and 2050 to sufficiently decarbonize steel manufacturing, expressed as metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent per metric ton of hot rolled steel. The GSCC standard will enable steel manufacturers to demonstrate their commitment to steel decarbonization via certification of their products and company-wide operations. The initial version of the GSCC standard is expected in the second quarter of 2023.
ISRI has accomplished a lot…but we have a lot left to do!
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