Share your expertise with the largest gathering of recycling industry professionals in the world!
ISRI is seeking high-quality session proposals that address a full range of issues facing recycling companies that process, broker, and consume recycled commodities. This includes topics targeted to the challenges and opportunities manufacturers and sellers of equipment and services to the recycling industry are facing.
Session proposals should be related to the following topic areas:
Topics may include day-to-day activities and processes of the facility; business planning and finance; competitive and diversification strategies; growth, profits and productivity; legal issues; human resources and talent/workforce development; marketing and sales; leadership development; commodities hedging; securing and extending credit; buying and selling recyclable materials; insurance and customer service.
Topics may include CERCLA (Superfund) and SREA (Superfund Recycling Equity Act); RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act); solid and hazardous wastes; chemical reporting; emissions; stormwater; spills; and existing and emerging substances of concern such as PCBs, PFAs, energy efficiencies; refrigerants, vehicle airbags and batteries.
Topics may include environmental justice; zoning; gentrification; public relations; lobbying local elected officials; philanthropic endeavors; local partnerships and collaborations regarding recycling is essential; governmental relations; and advocacy.
Topics specific to products that come out of a recycling facility that can be sold as products or feedstock; ferrous metals; nonferrous metals (aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, tin, and precious metals); stainless steel and high-temperature alloys; plastics; recovered fiber (paper, corrugated, cartons); tires/rubber; electronics; glass; textiles; residential recyclers and materials recovery facilities; Basel Convention; OECD; import/export; and tariffs.
Topics may include those focused on protecting the health and life of recycling facility employees, customers, visitors, contractors, drivers, and the surrounding community; OSHA compliance; disaster preparedness; hazardous materials management; hazard recognition; safety culture; law enforcement; theft; cybersecurity; and infectious disease.
Topics may include research and development into new ways to recycle materials and expand recycling’s infrastructure to match diverse product streams; developing new markets for recycled materials; improve methodologies to measure recycling system performance; design for recycling; innovative sorting equipment, collection, and processing technologies; the role of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in the industry; community engagement and workforce development for local communities.
Topics may include equipment and services used in recycled materials processing; robotics; and reuse.
Topics may include and be focused on moving incoming materials, processed commodities, and products; trucking; rail cars; barges and ocean shipping; logistics; driver training; and vehicle maintenance.
Presenters will have the opportunity to address professionals in recycling and related industries who seek advice and information from the most qualified sources available. Audience levels include novice, those with little or no prior knowledge of the subject matter, to advance, those who wish to develop a more in-depth mastery of the topic.
If you would like to submit a session proposal, please do so on or before Wednesday, August 10, 2022.
Points to Consider for Proposal Submissions
33% of attendees are age 40 and under
57% of attendees are C-Suite employees and VPs
Attendees represent 53 countries
Avoid all commercial bias. Session content must be free of commercial bias, motive and intent. Sessions should be brand and vendor neutral. Proposal submissions promoting a specific brand, service or technology will not be considered.
Write your session description from the perspective of what attendees will gain from participating rather than from what speakers will present. Why should an individual attend your session rather than another one that may be offered at the same day and time?
Session attendees want varied learning experiences so consider proposing panel discussions, workshops with small group exercises, real-life case studies and large group problem solving. Be creative.
ISRI provides complimentary registration to speakers of accepted proposals. Speakers are responsible for their own travel, lodging, and incidental costs to attend the convention and expo.
Only fully completed proposals submitted by the August 10 deadline will be considered.